Monday, 14 November 2011

TVS Apache 160 RTR

Pada speedo meter apache Lampu Indikator yang akan menyala, jika odo meter menunjukkan jarak tempuh tertentu, dimana motor harus di service. Untuk pertama kali, indikator ini akan berkedip pada jarak 500 km, selanjutnya 2500, 5000, dst. Lampu ini berkedip selama kurang lebih 10 detik pada saat motor di start.

Pengalaman saya waktu service pertama, montir nya nggak tau cara mematikan indikator ini (Gimana sih trainingnya? Masak hal simple gini gak bisa? :( ). Tapi karena di bengkel Mitra, jadi yah saya maklum aja. Kemarin pas service kedua, dan kali ini di bengkel resmi, saya tanya gimana cara mereset Lampu Indikator ini. Ternyata sangat mudah, pertama posisikan kunci di posisi ON (Tidak perlu di start), tunggu lampu indikator berhenti berkedip, terus tekan tombol MODE & SET bersamaan agak lama sampai Lampu Indikator tadi menyala lagi sekitar 5 detik. Selesai deh proses mereset Lampu indikator service ini.

Tapi tidak disarankan untuk melakukan proses ini sendiri, cukup montir yang bersangkutan aja. Soalnya ini kan untuk mengingatkan kita tentang waktu service. Jadi kalo blm di service, terus kita reset. Kan fungsinya jadi percuma. Silakan mencoba :)

Setelah beberapa lama kemarau panjang. Akhirnya hujan juga semalam, waktu yang pas untuk menjajal motor ini saat hujan. Dari beberapa review yang pernah saya baca, Ban asli bawaan TVS Apache ini cukup licin saat kondisi hujan. Tapi kalo belum coba, rasanya kurang percaya deh :)

Apache saya ajak lari dengan kecepatan 60 kmpj, lalu saya kurangi sampai kecepatan 25 kmpj, dan langsung saya rem ban belakang saya.

Hasilnya…….. Ban langsung meleset kekiri, keseimbangan jadi goyang, ternyata ban ber merk TVS TYRES ini memang licin sekali . Untungnya saya menjajal dengan kecepatan yang rendah, jadi nggak jatuh.

Ini jadi satu lagi alasan kenapa harus ganti ban luar. Setelah sebelumnya membuat velg lecet-lecet saat harus tambal ban. Buat yang nggak suka perjalanan saat hujan, anda nggak perlu buru-buru ganti. Tapi untuk temen-temen yang menggunakan Apache untuk transportasi harian, untuk mengantisipasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, sangat-sangat disarankan untuk mengganti ban luarnya.

Ini masukan buat temen-temen yang berniat untuk beli TVS Apache, tapi belum ada dealer TVS di kotanya. Seperti di kota saya, belum ada dealer TVS. Yang ada hanya Bengkel Mitra, yang katanya menyediakan layanan Service & Spare Part. Jadi waktu saya ambil TVS Apache ini, saya harus ke semarang, 50 km dari kota kecil tempat saya tinggal.

Sebenernya saya ragu untuk melakukan service pertama di bengkel Mitra TVS ini, soalnya ada kesan bengkel ini tidak punya peralatan yg cukup, dan dari segi tampilan sangat tidak mewakili Brand dari TVS itu sendiri. Kalau boleh memilih, saya mending pergi ke semarang untuk service pertama, meskipun jauh.

TETAPI……………………. karena STNK sudah 1,5 bulan ini nggak keluar juga. Yah terpaksa deh, service di bengkel Mitra. Tanda tanya juga sih, kenapa 1,5 bulan belum ada jawaban pasti soal STNK jadinya kapan. Padahal dulu janjinya 1 bulan. Dan sampai pagi ini belum ada kabar lagi, capek nanya tiap hari.

Kembali ke soal service, akhirnya minggu lalu saya service Juga si Black Apache di Bengkel Mitra. Untuk service, Ok lah mereka memang bisa melakukan service standar sesuai dengan check list. TAPI….. saya kecewa saat montirnya bilang nggak punya stok Oli yg disyaratkan TVS (Caltex Revtex). Setelah sedikit protes, akhirnya montir itu membelikan sendiri oli ke bengkel lain yang cukup jauh, karena sekitar setengah jam baru kembali. Saya jadi sangsi, kalo oli aja nggak punya stok, gimana spare part nya ya?

Kekecewaan saya yang kedua, adalah mengenai indikator service yang ada di Speedo Meter. Pada Speedo meter Apache, ada indikator yang akan berkedip merah jika Odo Meter menunujukkan nilai 500 km, dan kelipatan waktu service yg disarankan. Indikator service ini seharusnya di reset pada saat di service. Jadi seharusnya nggak berkedip lagi. Tetapi pas saya tanya montirnya, dia nggak tahu caranya. Wah, ini gimana nih? Katanya bengkel Mitra sudah di training oleh TVS Pusat. Jadi sampai hari ini, indikator service masih berkedip terus.

Kesimpulannya, kalo untuk motornya, saya sangat puas. Tapi untuk After Sales, terutama di kota yang tidak memiliki dealer resmi, TVS Indonesia punya banyak hal yang harus dibenahi.

TVS Apache yang masuk ke Indonesia, sedikit berbeda dengan yang asli. Di India sana, penutup rantainya masih full menutupi rantai. Sedangkan yang di Indonesia sudah terbuka, mungkin mengikuti selera pasar Indonesia yang kurang suka dengan penutup rantai yang full.

Selain itu di Apache versi India, masih dilengkapi Engine Guard. Untuk melindungi mesin & tangki, jika motor jatuh. Di Indonesia, Engine Guard ini sudah dilepas. Tapi dudukan nya masih ada, jadi kalo ada yang tertarik memasang engine guard bisa langsung dipasang.

Dua perlengkapan diatas sebenarnya ditujukan untuk safety riding, jadi sebenarnya sayang sekali kalo dihilangkan.

Mungkin ini salah satu kelemahan TVS Apache ini. Karena bannya belum Tubeless. Jadi kalo bocor, ban dalam harus dikeluarkan dulu. Ini terjadi pada motor saya, ban belakangnya menancap paku pas jalan-jalan sore. Bagusnya sih tidak langsung bocor, tapi pagi harinya ban sudah kempes.

Saya dorong ke tukang tambal ban, untungnya dekat rumah. Soalnya motor ini cukup berat juga.

Pada saat tukang tambal ban, mencoba mengeluarkan ban dalamnya. Dia agak kesulitan. Katanya bannya ini kawatnya keras, nggak seperti ban umumnya. Walhasil, Velg saya jadi lecet-lecet di beberapa bagian. Sebenernya sebel juga, tapi gimana lagi. Kalo nggak ditambal juga gak bisa jalan.

Setelah kurang lebih 20 menit, ban dalam yg sudah ditambal dipasang lagi. Si tukang tambal pun sama kesulitannya seperti saat mengeluarkannya. Dan sudah seperti saya duga, proses ini pun meningggalkan bekas lecet :( .

Hmm, kalo gini harus ganti tubeless nih biar nggak lecet lagi……

Motor ini diklaim irit. Dari pengalaman saya sendiri, motor ini memang irit jika dibandingkan motor sekelasnya. Pertama kali menggunakan motor ini, saya langsung isi full tank (16 liter). Setelah kurang lebih 2 minggu pemakaian, odo meter menunjukkan 250 km, saya isi lagi full tank. Ternyata cuma diisi 4,5 liter motor ini sudah full tank lagi. Jadi kurang lebih konsumsi bensin hanya 50 km / liter.

Konsumsi bensin diatas saya dapatkan dengan kecepatan rata-rata 55 km / jam atau 4.000 RPM. Soalnya itu aturan menurut buku manualnya, disarankan sampai 1.000 km pertama harus dengan kecepatan diatas. Selain itu kondisi jalan lancar, tanpa macet. So, ada temen-temen yang Apache-nya bisa lebih irit?

4 Stroke, 159.7 cc, Single
Maximum Power: 11.19 KW (15.2 bhp) @ 8500 rpm
Maximum Torque: 13.1 Nm @ 6000 rpm
Bore x Stroke : 62mm x 52.9 mm
Compression Ratio: 9.5:1
Carburettor: Mikuni BS-26
Valve train: 2 Valves, single cam
Valves per cylinder: 2 Valves
Power to weight ratio: 111.76 bhp / ton
Starting: Electric & Kick Start
Idle speed : 1400rpm
Ignition: IDI-Dual mode digital ignition
Engine oil capacity: 1000 ml


Clutch : Wet, Multi-Plate
Primary reduction: 65/21
Final reduction: 44/13

Type: Double Cradle

Front: Telescopic Forks, 105mm Stroke
Rear: Monotube Inverted Gas filled shox (MIG) with spring aid
Castor angle: 25.5°
Trail length: 81.3 mm


Front: 270 mm Petal Disc
Rear: 130 mm Drum

Rim size (Front): 1.85 x 17”
Rim size (Rear): 2.15 x 18”
Tyre size (Front): 90/90 x 17”
Tyre size (Rear): 100/80 x 18”
Tyre make: TVS Tyres

Fuel tank capacity: 16.0 lit
Reserve: 2.5 lit
Useable reserve: 1.7 lit


Length: 2020 mm
Width: 730 mm
Height: 1050 mm
Wheelbase: 1300 mm
Saddle height: 790 mm
Ground clearance: 180 mm


Kerb weight: 136 kg
Weight distribution: Kerb (F/R) 60/76 kg
Laden (F/R) (Solo – 65kg) 79/122 kg

0-60 kph: 4.80 seconds
0-100 kph: 17.69 seconds
0-100 m: 7.91 seconds
0-400 m: 19.70 seconds
30-80 kph (4th gear): 11.84 seconds
30-80 kph (5th gear): 15.68 seconds
Maximum speed: 118 kph

TVS Apache 160 RTR

Ingat tulisan saya mengenai Bad After Sales Service sebelumnya? Ternyata ceritanya belum berakhir. Setelah service pertama tersebut, konsumsi bensin langsung drop menjadi 30-35 kmpl. Saya pikir, kok jadi boros sekali ya? Padahal sebelumnya +/- 50 kmpl. Tgl 6 September, saya dihubungi TVS mengenai STNK yang akan dikirim tgl 8 September (Akhirnya, setelah lebih dari 2 bulan menunggu……..). Nah pas telepon itu langsung saya komplain mengenai konsumsi bensin yang boros tadi. Akhirnya disepakati, pada saat pengiriman STNK, akan dikirim juga Teknisi TVS untuk service.

Tgl 8 September, Teknisi datang kerumah, dengan peralatan lengkap. Sayangnya, STNK masih harus menunggu satu hari lagi. Hmm, sabar…… Ok, lanjut. Saya ceritakan semua keluhan saya ke teknisi tadi. Dan dia langsung mengutak-atik motor saya. Sangat beda sekali pekerjaan yang dilakukan Montir dari bengkel Mitra, dibanding Montir yg asli. Setelah selesai, dia jelaskan bahwa ada beberapa settingan yang membuat motor jadi boros, selain itu pada service pertama, Filter Oli seharusnya diganti. Nah ini yang membuat saya sangat-sangat kecewa dengan service di Bengkel Mitra. Karena nggak jujur soal pelayanan ke pelanggan.

Setelah selesai, Teknisi tadi meminta buku service gratis saya. Dan minta service yang dilakukan, diakui sebagai service gratis kedua, yang seharusnya dilakukan pada Km 3000, atau 3 bulan pemakaian. padahal Km motor saya masih 1.100 km, 2 bulan pemakaian. Konsekuensinya, service ke 3 nanti yang seharusnya pada Km 6.000. Harus maju menjadi Km 3.000. Dan ini berarti, service gratis saya hilang 1 kali, dari yang seharusnya. Saya agak sedikit kecewa sih. Tapi daripada motor jadi boros. Mending hilang 1 kali jatah service. Sekarang, konsumsi bensin sudah normal lagi :)

Sehari kemudian, akhirnya STNK dikirim. Semoga pengelaman saya ini, menjadi masukan buat temen-temen yang berniat membeli Apache. Salam…

TVS Apache 160 RTR

Sebelumnya saya mau mengucapkan Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin buat temen-temen semua, seandainya ada tulisan saya yang kurang berkenan. Kali ini saya tulis mengenai perjalanan mudik saya. Tulisan ini saya bagi menjadi 2 bagian, karena ada beberapa hal yang ingin saya bandingkan. Seperti cara mengemudi, dan kondisi perjalan yang berbeda.

Perjalanan dimulai hari sabtu , 27 September jam 14.00. Cuaca cukup panas saat akan berangkat. Meskipun begitu, saya cukup senang dengan kondisi ini. Mengingat saya jika kondisi mendung dan hujan, maka perjalanan akan sangat lama. Karena ban luar si Black masih standar, belum ada budget buat ganti nih.

O iya, sebelum berangkat, si Black saya isi Premium Rp.50.000. Indikator bensin pada titik terendah dan mulai berkedip-kedip. Asumsi saya, setelah indikator tadi mulai berkedip lagi, berarti itulah jarak yang maksimal bisa ditempuh si Black. Rute perjalanan adalah Kudus-Semarang-Ungaran-Ambarawa-Secang-Magelang-Muntilan-Jogjakarta, total sekitar 180 km. Dan untuk mengukurnya tidak lupa Trip B saya setting ke 0 km.

Perjalanan Kudus-Semarang lumayan lancar, meskipun masih ada beberapa bagian jalan yang belum selesai pengerjaannya. Bahkan di jalan yang cukup halus, si Black bisa lari mencapai 115 kmpj. Sebenernya masih bisa lebih, tapi mengingat kondisi di kanan kiri jalan, sawah yang membentang luas, Sehingga angin yang cukup besar dari sisi kanan membuat si Black agak goyang.Jam 15.15 saya sampai di semarang, saya sempatkan untuk mampir ke dealer TVS, untuk menanyakan Stok Lampu Kota, karena lampu kota si Black mati sebelah. Tapi ternyata hari sabtu jam 14.00 sudah tutup bengkelnya, meskipun masih ketemu montirnya. Lain kali akan saya tulis mengenai masalah lampu kota ini.

Selanjutnya perjalanan Semarang-Ambarawa adalah rute yang cukup menarik sekaligus menyebalkan. Kenapa? Karena di rute tersebut saya ketemu serombongan besar motor-motor Plat B. Yang paling menarik dari rombongan ini, mereka tetap semangat meskipun sudah menempuh jarak yang cukup jauh. Padahal tidak jarang dalam 1 motor ditumpangi sampai 4 orang. Nah, yang menyebalkan, di rute ini ada tidak kurang dari 3 pasar dan 2 pabrik, yang membuat macet. Padahal Rute ini sudah 4 lajur.

Selanjutnya Rute Ambarawa-Secang, Ini rute favorit saya, jalan perbukitan dengan suasana hutan yang cukup asri. Sayangnya memasuki Ambarawa, awan mulai mendung. Dan akhirnya akhirnya hal yang paling saya khawatirkan terjadi, hujan. Mengingat pengalaman saya sebelumnya dengan ban TVS ini, saya cuma berani jalan antara 40-50 kmpj. Lambaaaaat sekali rasanya. Padahal dalam kondisi normal, saya yakin si Black bisa lari 80-100 kmpj disini. Hampir memasuki kota Secang, hujan berhenti. Saya belum berani memacu lebih cepat, karena kondisi ban masih basah.

Rute Secang-Muntilan, ini rute yang sebenarnya cukup enak. Jalan lurus, halus, dan pasar yang tidak tumpah ke jalan.Sayangnya jalur ini cuma 2 lajur.Jadi kalo ada angkot atau bis yang berhenti seenaknya, jalannya agak terhambat. Menurut saya idealnya jalan propinsi itu 4 lajur, jadi saat terjadi kecelakaan, atau perbaikan jalan. Jalur tersebut tidak terlalu terganggu. Oiya, di rute ini panas mesin mulai terasa sampai ke betis. Agak kurang nyaman sih, tapi tidak mengganggu.

Rute terakhir,Muntilan –Jogja. Ini rute yang paling ideal menurut saya. Jalan 4 lajur,dan pasar yang tidak tumpah kejalan. Karena sudah cukup lelah dengan 3 jam perjalanan non stop, si Black saya ajak lari santai 65-70 kmpj. Setelah menempuh perjalanan 4 jam, akhirnya sampai di rumah Trip B di indikator saya menunjukkan 178,2 km.

Setelah si Black saya ajak keliling jogja untuk bersilaturahmi ke saudara & kerabat, akhirnya si Black indikator bensinnya berkedip juga. Trip B menunjukkan 426 km. Hmm ternyata si Black masih irit, padahal sudah diajak lari stop & go, serta macet juga. Saya isi lagi dengan jumlah yang sama. Dan nanti saya ukur lagi setelahnya.

Kesimpulan saya selama di perjalanan ini, si Black tidak mengalami hambatan apa pun dalam melewati jalan yang agak kurang bersahabat & jalan yang menanjak.Suara mesin juga tidak berubah, tetap halus. Meski pun panas dari mesin cukup membuat betis tidak nyaman. Satu lagi, mesin si Black akan bergetar dan cukup mengganggu pada kecepatan 65-80 kmpj. Jadi saran saya kalau anda mau agak cepat ya sekalian dipacu diatas 80 kmpj.Tapi kalau mau santai, maksimal di kecepatan 65 kmpj.

Next,akan saya tulis mengenai perjalanan pulang kembali ke Kudus

Sudah sekitar 3 hari ini si Black suaranya agak bergetar saat di RPM 4.000, padahal biasanya halus. Saya cek asal suaranya, ternyata bukan dari mesin. Tetapi dari rumah lampu depan. (Loh kok bisa?)

Bisa aja, diantara rumah lampu depan dengan panel speedo meter, ada sekitar 8 bantalan karet yang menghubungkan keduanya. Nah, ada 1 bantalan karet yang terlepas, dan ini menimbulkan getaran yang kurang enak didengar. Sebenarnya setiap bantalan tadi sudah di lem, tapi sepertinya yg satu ini kurang kuat lemnya.

Akhirnya bantalan karet yang hilang tadi saya ganti, dan saya lem ulang ke panel speedo meter. Hasilnya getaran yang mengganggu jadi hilang. Dan si Black siap mudik ke Jogja deh besok…

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Want to sell TVS apache rtr 160

Want to sell TVS apache rtr 160

Price: Rs.44000
Date Posted:
Ending Date:
Ad ID: 18408
Make: TVS
Model (Eg: Pulsar): apache rtr 160
Posted By: Owner
City: Bangalore
Year of Manufacture: 2007
Ownership: Not Specified
Kilometers Done: 36000
Colour: black
Features: Disk Brakes
Electric Start
Alloy Wheels
Digital Odometer
Reason for Sale: Buying a new bike


Wanr to sell my bike as planning to take new one. No dents..nothing...very well maintained...available for immediate immediatelly on 9742444461

2012 TVS Apache RTR Price in India

TVS is working on higher displacement version of its popular apache bike. After launching Apache RTR 180 with ABS TVS announced that they are working on two bikes, and it will take eight to nine months to launch these products in market.
TVS Apache RTR 180cc ABS Bike India 300x235 2012 TVS Apache RTR Price in India

TVS Apache RTR 160 in India

After TVS Apache 160 and TVS Apache 180 there will be higher version of it. This version will come with ABS and would be priced around Bajaj Pulsar 220 DTS-Fi, new Yamaha YZF R15 version 2.0 and Hero Honda Karizma ZMR. It could be placed around 1 lakh rupee or more.

Honda has laso launched its 250cc bike, Honda CB250R in india, which has price tag of 1.7 lakh, ex-showroom. Bajaj Kawasaki ninja 250r fall in same segment, but has price tag of 2.7 lakh, ex-showroom.

Scoop! TVS to launch betters version of Apache RTR

TVS flagship motors apache RTR is a hit among the warm blooded and for good reasons. The RTR 160 and 180 provided comforts of both pleasures that is of slow city commutation and also the high speed thrill with amazing handling on the curves and brilliant response like a superbike!

The RTR 180 to its credit remains to date one of India’s select few motorcycles to provide riders the additional safety of ABS assisted brakes. However TVS have decided to re visit the plans of the bike and deliver a better model to the market.

The RTR is TVS’ best looking bike. Hence, we can expect enhancement of looks but not over tampering them. Sportiness quotient will be increased along with the performance and handling of the bike! The bike could probably enter showrooms in a few weeks as TVS will be looking to take advantage of the festive and the New Year season…

We can expect black treatment with sporty graphics.. Hope TVS also adds new features and some power upgrade to the RTR to make it only smoke better!

Friday, 21 October 2011

TVS Apache RTR 160 Hyper Edge Ownership Review By Priyam

When I was in 8th standard my brother have brought tvs Apache 150 in 2006-07. When I saw this bike I love the design of the bike it was awesome. From that year onward my interest toward bike started. Then when I was in class 10th the new Apache 160 was launched with new colure i.e. yellow. On this colure bike giving a beautiful looks and cuts over its body. When I first look the advertisement of Apache 160 I fall in love with it. From that moment I made a decision when ever I go for a new bike it is tvs Apache RTR 160.

On 2010 when my 12th board exam was being going to held. Then I talk to father about my new bike he said that if I get first division in 12th board exam then only he bring me bike only. From that day I have decided to work hard and bring my Black Panther (my Apache) home.

When my result came I have got first division marks. Then my father told me to wait of 3-4 month and decide which bike you want to bring home.

I have already decided which bike I want to ride. Months passes and I can’t wait for my moment. In between those months I have surf on internet and read reviews of different bikes I regularly check the tvs Apache site regularly. Then on last week on November I have saw the Apache RTR 160 hyper edge was launched. Then I decided to take home only that bike with superb looks and style.

Then after waiting again for few months I finally got my hands on my new Apache RTR 160 hyper edge on 3rd of December 2010. It is an awesome bike to ride. When I first sit on Apache and started the engine it makes a very beautiful throttle voice and the looks on fuel tank the racing strip give it a awesome racing bike looks. It was a complete different experience on riding an

The handling of bike is perfect but some says it leads to back pain it’s not true I ride my bike daily about 12 km I don’t suffer from any pain intact if I need a chance to ride Apache whole day I will drive it comfortably. But the tire grip of tier is little bit not satisfactory on wet roads. The breaks are good but the rear shock absorbers are not very good it give a bad sound when it gets to a big ditch.

The pickup of Apache is very good then those bike that I ride. The gear shift is problem for those who are new to Apache otherwise it is good. The average of my bike in city is approx 45 to 47 it is depend how you ride it. I am in lucknow I have got my black panther at price of 71,000. It is very good bike in compare to other bike which come in its segment as I suppose.

The vibration is still in this bike also but I treated as it is a feature of all Apache that are present. The tires are very good I found three times nail in my back tire but it never puncture till now I hope it does not happen in future also. There is a one problem in this bike is that it length the seat which is not very long in comparison to other bike except FZ.

The Split Grab Rails are very good looking it also give it a sporty look and one more unique feature is removal mud guard, the dollop attach in front of engine gives it sporty look and the unique design disc brake. The hyper edge is also come with rear disc brake with 2,000 rs extra but I have chosen with single disc brake.

Over all it is an excellent bike to drive. There are many more features present in Apache but this is all I have to say right now. And I am proud to be an owner of Apache RTR 160 hyper edge it is truly “it’s now or never”.

Priyam Srivastava

TVS Apache RTR 160 Hyperedge Ownership Review By Mitul

After passing the 1st year of my collage I began to think to buy a bike which will suit me in looks, style, class and elegance. Many bikes came to my mind for myself. But when I saw the TVS Apache RTR 160 my search was over. It’s looks mesmerized me and I thought to take this stunning beauty for myself.

I asked my dad about purchasing me a bike which he had promised me to give sometimes earlier. He said to me to wait for sometimes and promised me to get a bike at the time of Durga Puja. I waited for the Durga puja and then finally it came. After finishing my 2nd year 1st internal on 12/10/10, I went to a TVS showroom and asked about the prices of TVS Apache RTR 160.

There I came to know about the fact that TVS has launched a new variant of TVS Apache RTR 160 named as TVS Apache RTR 160 Hyperedge. I then and there made the decision to take this bike for myself. I wanted a red variant of this bike. But there were no bikes available at that time in the showroom.

So I booked a bike with Rs 5000/- and went to my home happily expecting the bike to be delivered to me very shortly. But it was a long wait for me until I got my hands on this stunning beauty i.e. my TVS Apache RTR 160 Hyperedge. I had to wait for nearly two weeks for the delivery of my bike. In this two weeks I regularly keep calling to the TVS showroom nearly once a day.

I was being impatient. Finally on a Sunday evening on 24/10/10 I got a call from the TVS showroom that my bike had arrived at the showroom and they asked me to receive it from there. That day I was not in town so I couldn’t receive the bike that day. I was thrilled by the fact that my bike had arrived at the showroom.

That night I hardly slept due to excitement. Next day morning i.e. on 25/10/10 I along with my dad went to the TVS showroom payed rest of the money and completed all the paper works to receive the bike. It cost’s Rs 69,120/-. I was amazed by its looks. It looked so sleek and sexy that I couldn’t even describe.

Then finally I got my hand on this stunning beauty. When I first put on the key and started the bike and pulled the throttle, the sound of the new bike was like music to my ears. I think that this bike was made only for me. It has suited me a lot. My friends and family members told me that this bike is meant for me because it adds to my personality.

I had rode this stunning beauty now nearly for a year. Its performance is quite satisfying and it had never let me down. TVS says that this bike gives a mileage of 45 kmpl in local areas. But I get a mileage of nearly 55 kmpl in local areas, which is more than satisfying for me where my bike is of 160 cc. I had rode it for more than 8000 km and at a maximum speed of 100 kmph.

The time shift of the bike from 0 to 60 is great. It has stunning looks. When I ride this bike I think I am at the top of this world. I am hugely attracted towards the petal disc which this bike possesses. I don’t have any major problems with my bike. When I first rode the bike I had some problems with gear shifting. But now it is perfectly fine.

Once I had used the XTRA MILE petrol for my bike which screwed up my bike’s tuning and even hampered the speed of my bike. That was the time before the 2nd servicing of my bike. The mechanic of the TVS showroom suggested me not to use XTRA MILE petrol for my bike and I would also suggest this to all the riders and bike lovers.

Everyone who love their bikes please use Speed or the plain petrol for your bike but not XTRA MILE. I have had long drives on my bike and it is quite steady and at any time I haven’t felt that I am losing control of the bike. It’s performance is much more satisfying than other bikes available in this section in the market.

It is a happy go lucky bike and is a great deal at a phenomenal price. I am more than satisfied with my bike as it has given me wanted services and had fulfilled my expectations nicely. I love my TVS Apache RTR 160 Hyperedge very much.

Mitul Kirtania

TVS Apache 180 Ownership Review by Akshit

My name is Akshit Saini And I belong to Hoshiarpur (the land of saints) in Punjab. I alway wanted to own different bike and wanted my bike to be a very special because for me owning a bike was me was a dream come true. And for me I had a philosophy that Four wheels move your Body Two wheels move your Soul becuse the sheer fun of riding the bike cannot be expirenced in four wheeler.

It all started when I was a small child I had a very less affection for bikes. But as I grew older My affection for bikes increased and my eagerness for owning a bike also increased. My father first owned a CD100 which I liked the most because I thought thhat riding a bike was one of the most difficult task in the whole world.

But I loved to sit on that bike all day long and in my free time I also used to clean my bike and on weekends I would go with my father for long drives on bike. First I started to learn the bike from my friend bike. And I was usally afraid from riding the bike.

Because I was confused between the clutch the brakes. But after riding it became a lot more easier and also a lot of fun than the traditional gearless scooter. And in the end I had more affection for the bikes than Scooter and my erg for owning the bike increased.

And from that day I was all day after my parents to own me my own bike but my parents refused and said you are not that young to ride a bike and said that in +2 they will get me a new bike as I was in +1 I had to wait for a whole year TO buy a bike. So I had a full whole year to decide about my bike. The first four bikes that came to mind was the Pulsar 220 dtsi, Yamaha r-15, Apache RTR 180, Hero HondaKarizma ZMR.

Comparsion Review Of The Four Top Indian Contendors

Bajaj Pulsar 220 it is the best loking bike in the market at presen with it vertical stacked projectors and the all alluminium exhaust and semi fairing. It 220 cc engine is very good and produces the highest power in it segment excluding the Honda CBR 250R and the Kawasaki Ninja.

Its engine is stress free even at top speed that helped it to became the fastest indian untill the Honda CBR 250R came and destroyed the competion. But even though every biker loved it because it was the fastest bike in under 1lacs. Even the Yamaha, TVS and herocant match the top speed of Pulsar 220.

I was in love with bike and madly fallen in love with the bike but my elder brother had also fallen in love with the bike and when I came to +2 class my brother bought a new Pulsar 220 dtsi and then I removed Pulsar 220 from my mind. And also when I searched for the bike on the internet there was a long list of problems which many Pulsar 220 owners had in their bike even my elder brother faced a lot of problems.

Next is the Yamaha r15 it is the bike in which I fell in love at first sight it was a mini R1 and it was a pocket rocket. It was just the bike which was just meant for racetrack as its short wheelbase helped in flicking the corners with ease and it aerodynamic body helped in straight line stability and less air resistace it was a perfect bike in every angle.

But the problem was that my mother dont liked the bike because at the front two headlmps she used it call it cats faced bike (please dont mind the r15 owners) and therefore she refused it to own me the R15 and even I was just againts the rear taillight and the front and the rear tyres because there just spoil the looks of the bike and the newwer version 2.0 is the best loking bike in the market and it has no cons inthe bike.

Next is the Karizma ZMR there is a nothing for which I shall had bought the bike except the looks and the reliability of the Hero Honda engine. And I was also to thin that I would so with the bike because it was the bike which was not meant for me. So I ignored the bike because it it suit me. Even though I had riden the bike and had falen in love with the bike because of engine refinement and the long crusing ability but I did not go for any long trips there fore I ignored the Karima ZMR.

Next and the last bike in my list was TVS Apache RTR 180 ever since I had seen the bike it was in the tv commercial of Apache 180 I fell in love with the bike the way the bike was shown in the commercial I fell in love with the bike when and I was eager to see the bike in flesh so I went to TVS showroom and I asked them to show the Apache RTR 180.

But they apologized that they didnt had the bike at present and you can see the Apache RTR 160 at it was available so as I had never ridden any Apache so I took a test drive of RTR 160 as soon I relesed the clutch the eagerness to move forward was a lot a lot than any other indian bike.

So I tok the bike to 25 at first gear 40 at secound gear 55 at third gear and 70 at fourth gear and didt had a chance to use the 5th gear even though I was a lot impressed with the bike and then I asked them that I wanted a test drive of RTR 180 they said they will provide me with a test frive on monday as their bike stock was coming on monday as it was saturday I had a one day gap.

So I was ever eagerly awaiting for the bike test drive as monday came I went to the showrom in the afternoon and I asked then for a test drive they smiled and said to wait for two minutes as they said the their srock came just now and after washing the bike they will provide me the test drive I was very eager to see the bike as soon as they washed the bike a TVS sevice person came to me and said that the bike is ready as soon I saw the bike my eyes widned it was just like it was shaped by angels and was powered by devils and the word that came from the bike was beautiful.

It was the best loking bike I had ever seen in the market and when I took the test drive it was far more better than RTR 160 and I fell in love with the bike and I said my parents that I wanted to own the Apache RTR 180 and also shon then the brochure and they agred but they said I had to wit for a long 4 months.

So I said them to book the bike and they agreed and the next morning my parents they gave me Rs3000 for the booking and I booked the bike in colour pearl white as there was a long 2-3 months booking on pearl white but I had to wait for along 3months for the bike after about exhat 3 months 2 days I got a call from the showroom that my bike has arived and you can come and take the bike delivery.

But there was about a month left to own the bike so I told the showroom that it would take some time for me to take the delivery and I informed them not to sell the bike and the agreed that they wont sell the the end I got my bike in feburary,2011 and a last I was very happy that I got my own bike.

About the Bike

The history of Apache starts from a 150cc bike which was the TVS Fiero. It was originally developed by Suzuki and it was basically developed at in japan and was tried and tested by the japaness. In fact it is the bike which is not like the R15 which is a scaled down version of R1.

But basically it is the engine which is tried and tested so as to develop only for the racing purpose and ever componet of the bike is tested so that it can withstard the high reving character of the bike and it can overrev in at top gear and no indian bike in the market can rev upto 12000rpm at stock onition but only Apache RTR 180 can. Here are some of the tecnologies of the TVS Apache 180.

Looks an Features

First of all when you see a Apache RTR 180 in white it looks a very different bike and because of its white colour it helps the bike to stand apart in the trafic becuse Apache 180 being the first bike to support the white colour other than that of the cops bike. Even though now the karizma R15 and others bikea had copied the Apache white colour.

But even though Apache white help him to look different. And also the commbination of the grey RTR stickers helps the bike to stand apart. Also at night the grey colour look the best and it shines like silver next diffence is in the cockpit of the bike the clip one are black in colour and same as that of 160.

But only differene is they are in black colur and the in centre plate of the bike there is the RTR 180 sticker which shines and shows that you belong to the racing tribe and there are change in the speedometer as the there is a white background and there is a huge circle with honey comb design in it and also there are thousands of derivation for the correct rpm setting next change is the blue light which looks the best and this helps it to stand apart than other bikes.

In the marketand also there are same special features in the speedomeer as it can save the top spedd and 0-60 times and it also has a service reminder so that it reminders you when to service the bike these features are not available in any other indian market. There are some minor changes it help to stand apart than RTR 160 some are golden coloured forks.

The neon white strip, the rear removable fender and the iluminted key ring also there is increse in the swing arm length and the change in the exhaust. So that delivers that same lod voice of the RTR. There is also the advantage of the handle bars as they are fully adjustable so that it can be adjusted accordingthe the riders choice.

Engine and The Performace

As I dissued you about the the technolgy used ithelps it to become the most powerfuly most torque and fastest bike in its category. The oversquare engine which helps it to produce 17.3ps of powerand 15.5nm of torque. The helps to to become the fastest bike in its segment. The bike dry weight is 127kg despite the fact the bike weight weight is 137kg with the 90% fuel and toolkkit. This help it to become 1kg heavier than RTR 160.

Therefore the power to weight ratio is the highest it category. Therefore it is not compared to Pulsar 180 but always compared to Pulsar 220. And according to the overdrive magzine it was the fastest of the three bike the Pulsar 220, Yamaha R15, Karizma ZMR to attain the fastest 0-100 times 0-60 times quater mile and even in braking test it became the fastest bike accept the top speed n which the Pulsar 220 and Yamaha R15 won. If in the comparsion of Apache and Pulsar 220 below are the figures.

Apache RTR 180

Pulsar 220 Dtsi




Dry Weight137kg152kg
Top Speed125kmph144kmph


When you ride the bike for the first time you will release the clutch notice that Apache it has a lot f eageness to move forward. You will love to ride a bike like that. You will not even notice when you have reached the redline as the enfgine is so rev happy and it short stoke engine helps you to each the redline very easily and then when tou put the bike in 2nd gear the same rev happy character will help you to reach the redline in every gear even in 5th gear but if you rev it you may blow the engine.

On one day I was on the highway and the road was nearly empty. So I got a chance to rev the engine and in the first gear I was able to do 45km/h and on secound gear 65 in secound gear ad 90 in third gear and and austoushing 116km/h in fourth and 136 in fifth gear I was amazed when I got at that speed.

The car drivers had their face amazed when they saw me when I was over taking them. The bike cut through speed of 128km/h like hot knife through butter. But after 128km/h it takes time to reach the top speed. I also noticed that itcan easily cruise at a speed between 115-120km/h. Also the exhaust sound it is the best in 6k rpm. The bike being the power to weight ratio low help to attain that speed very easily.

Ride and Handling

Apache they are usally famous for their handling. The way the Apache handles is that no Indian bike have this type of handling it can corner like no other india bike can corner while in city or on race track. Due to Apache RTR 180 swingarm length thus wheelbase has been increased it gives better cornering experience at race track in city and better stability at top speed.

The bike can corner so brilliantly that once in hilly roads when I coned the bike the small steel which is used at the footrest it touched the ground and got scratched with the tarmac but it didnot can any imbalance. The city ride it is very comfortable the suspension setting of the rear shock absorber has 5 setting and it can be fully adjustable for hishay road it can be set hard and on bumpy roads it can set to soft and the applied accesory is given in the toolkit to adjust the setting.

And it quite a lot easy to set the supension setting. But the factory setting it set in the middle for the normal or city purpose. The tyres in the bike in the bike are made by TVS and they are the TVS srichakra and are the best tyres by TVS so for the fron tyre is 90/90 17 at the front and 110/80 17 at the rear and it is the first TVS bike to have both front and rear tyre tubless.

The TVS tyres are made from 42 compund which consist of both the hard and the soft compound. So the tyres are a lot long lasting than other brands like mrf or ceat. The RTR has both the front and the rear disk brake and they are petal disk and these disk radiate a lot of heat than ordinary disk.the disk brake are the best in the indian market.

And if the brakes arent applied correctly there may be chances of skiding and the brake applying distribution should be 60% front and 40% rear so as to expirence the best braking. The brakes have helped me so much that to helped me from preventing from accident. And I am very greatful to TVS for develping such an ausom brakes. But if in rains the bike can fail to work and so it is dangerous to ride in rains. Even though I have never faced any bike skid RTR any problem.


One main thing which I want to tell to all the bikers that the TVS Tyres They Are Very Good in fact have found that my brother Pulsar 220 skidding in water but didnot find any skidding of TVS tyres so what ever the rummor is spread that TVS tyres are bad I am very much against it. And also ibike dosent looks small on any person unless you are above 85 kg and height above 6foot 5 inchies. I am myself 5foot and 10inches but the bike suites on me.


  • Angine and its Performace
  • Looks
  • Handling
  • Brakes
  • Exhaust note or sound


  • The gearbox is notchy when ever I change gear from 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd the gear it slips back or get struck in the nectral. Also a problem which I fouch was that there is two neutal in the bike when I change the gear half the engine can be reved like it is neutral. I said about this problem to the service centre but they did not care about the problem and say that this problem is in every Apache.
  • Vibration in the bike are redced a lot but there occur at the speed of 65km/h to 70km/h and then they disapper. This is not usally a problem but they shall be removed for such a wonderfull bike because this has got a lot on disgrace on Apache RTR and therefore people buy other bike rather than Apache.
  • The speedometer error when ever the bike attains a speed of excess of 130km/h the hi speed is recorded as 160km/h it is usally a great confusion created by the people that their bike goes to 160km/h. I myself experied this error a lot of times.but the 0-60 recorder is correct.


I am very much satisified a TVS product. And TVS has created a bike keeping a detail on every pary on every design. TVS being the independent company has learned so much from their older bikes that now they have developed a motorcycle without much negativities.

And in the futire TVS will make their products even better and will rise above every bike maker in India. In the end I am very lucky that I have chosen TVS Apache 180 and in the end I always think that The Truth Is That The Machine Choose Me. Becuse it the bike which chose the rider not the rider the bike.

Akshit Saini